Processing of work
The author will receive a notice with the date of receipt and approval that will appear in the work. Authors are responsible for the content of submitted articles. All papers will be examined by at least two "ad hoc" reviewers and, if there is disagreement for the acceptance of the paper, it will be sent to another(s).
Once approved on the merits, it will be forwarded to the librarian and review by the editors. Afterwards, the authors will receive the article for the last review, and must send a letter of consent for the publication of the work. When the article has more than four authors, it is essential to specifically indicate the roles of each author in carrying out the work.
The reproduction of works in other publications or their translation into another language is prohibited without the authorization of the Editorial Board. If a conflict of interest is detected, the article will be sent to the scientific editors. It is also implicit that, in the development of the work, the ethical aspects and respect for the current copyright law was also observed. Manuscripts submitted outside the norms will not be considered.
After the acceptance of the manuscript for publication, with the consent of the authors, the journal Irriga acquires the exclusive copyright right for all languages and countries. Partial or total reproduction of published works is not allowed without the proper written permission of the Editorial Board of Irriga.