About the Journal
IRRIGA Magazine (Brazilian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage) was founded in 1995 by Prof. Emeritus Antonio Evaldo Klar and was initially intended to disseminate the scientific work developed in the Postgraduate Program in Irrigation and Drainage of the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, Botucatu campus, State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho". It addresses mainly the use of water resources in irrigated agriculture, a topic that corresponds to more than 50% of the researches developed and published works in the field of Agricultural Engineering.
Currently, we are QUALIS B2 of CAPES, and one of the most respected magazines in the field of Agricultural Sciences in Brazil. This classification, as well as our commitment to offer a non-profit periodical with low publication costs for authors, creates a grandstand for national and international science to be exhibited.
The scope of IRRIGA Magazine - Brazilian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, has broad spectrum, involving themes such as: rational use of water in irrigation; sustainability of irrigated agriculture; irrigation engineering; agricultural drainage; groundwater level control and the environment; chemigation; reuse of water in agriculture; monitoring of agrometeorological parameters in irrigated areas; and geoprocessing applied to irrigation and drainage.
The mission of IRRIGA Magazine is to disseminate scientific and / or technical-scientific articles generated by original national and international research aimed at scientific development in the area of application of water resources in agriculture.
ISSN Electronic 1808-8546
ISSN CD-Rom 1808-3765
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CAPES Classification
Irriga Magazine declares and reposrts that's periodicity is quarterly (4 issues per year).
Subscription: R$150.00
* Membership R$ 100.00
* Non-Member R$ 150.00
Publication + DOI:
* Membership R$ 250.00
* Non-Member R$ 400.00
Payment can be made via paypal, bank deposit/transfer, pix to one of the accounts below:
FEPAF – Foundation for Agricultural and Forestry Studies and Research
CNPJ: 50.786.714/0001-45
BANCO DO BRASIL Branch: 0079-5 Current Account: 14472 -
BANCO SANTANDER Branch: 0039 Current Account: 13-001475-1
PIX KEY: CNPJ: 50.786.714/0001-45
Please, after payment (deposit, transfer, pix, paypal), send the receipt to the email irriga.fca@unesp.br